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The Tall Woman – Born in the province of Granada, Alarcon studied first for the law and then delved into theology. He made several unsuccessful efforts to sell his early writings. His first success was as editor of a small provincial paper. He was for a great part of his life engaged in political activities, was exiled, and was finally recalled to fill a position of honour. His best works are his novels and short stories.

The most famous of these is doubtless The Tall Woman, one of the classic ghost stories. It is remarkably well told, and exemplifies the writer’s outstanding qualities of vivacity, invention, and ingenuity.
The Tall Woman
“TTDW little we really know, my friends; how little we really I know.”

The Tall Woman – The speaker was Gabriel, a distinguished civil engineer of the mountain corps. He was seated under a pine tree, near a spring, on the crest of the Guadarrama. It was only about a league and a half distant from the palace of the Escurial, on the boundary line of the provinces of Madrid and Segovia. I know the place, spring, pine tree and all, but I have forgotten its name.

“Let us sit down,” went on Gabriel, “as that is the correct thing to do, and as our programme calls for a rest here—here in this pleasant and classic spot, famous for the digestive properties of that spring, and for the many lambs here devoured by our noted teachers, Don Miguel Bosch, Don Maximo Laguna; Don Augustin Pascual, and other illustrious naturalists.

Sit down, and I will tell you a strange and wonderful story in proof of my thesis, which is, though you call me an obscurantist for it, that supernatural events still occur on this terraqueous globe. I mean events which you cannot get into terms of reason, or science, or philosophy—as those ‘words, words, words,’ in Hamlet’s phrase are understood (or are not understood) to-day.”

The Tall Woman part 14

“At the first glance I perceived, with amazement and alarm, that she was Telesforo`s implacable enemy. She was just as he had described her to me—with her enormous nose, her devilish eyes, her awful...

The Tall Woman part 13

“Well, listen a few minutes longer, and you will see that I was mistaken at the time, as you are mistaken now. The one who unfortunately made no mistake was Telesforo. It is much...

The Tall Woman part 12

“`It was madness to try to catch her. Besides, people were already passing through the Carrera de San Jeronimo, and in Prado Street, loo. It was broad daylight. The tall woman kept on running...

The Tall Woman part 11

“`Upon this, I looked around—-and there she was! There at my shoulder, almost touching me with her clothes, gazing at me with her horrible little eyes, displaying the gloomy cavern of her mouth, fanning...

The Tall Woman part 10

“ `For my part, I tried to believe that it was so. I even came to believe it at the end of several months. Still, I would have given years, of my life to...

The Tall Woman part 9

“`A few moments later I was in my room; I always carried my latchkey, so as not to have to disturb my good Jose. Nevertheless, he was waiting for me that night. My misfortunes...

The Tall Woman part 8

“ `This reasoning gone through with, I made an extraordinary effort and turned my head. Ah, Gabriel!—Gabriel! how fearful it was! The tall woman had followed me with silent tread, was right over me,...

The Tall Woman part 7

`“I did not dash away in a run when I saw my life`s sphinx. I restrained my impulse to do so, less out of shame and manly pride than out of fear lest my...

The Tall Woman part 6

“`The very terror or delirium of fear which instantly overcame me gave me somehow a most acute perception, so that I could distinguish at a glance, in the two seconds it took me to...

The Tall Woman part 5

Nevertheless, the pitiable scene would be gone over again as often as a similar thing occurred—and remember that I was twenty-four years old, that I had experienced a great many adventures by night, and...

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