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The Institutes 535 CE part 59

We must also extend manifest theft to the case of a thief seen or seized by the owner or any one else in a public or private place, while still holding the thing he...

The Institutes 535 CE part 58

The same would hold in the case of any other animal or any other thing, but the seller is in any case bound to make over to the purchaser his right to a real...

The Institutes 535 CE part 57

2. The price should consist in a sum of money. It has been much doubted whether it can consist in anything else, as in a slave, a piece of land, or a toga. Sabinus...

The Institutes 535 CE part 56

Thus these contracts may be entered into by those who are at a distance from each other by means of letters, for instance, or of messengers. In these contracts each party is bound to...

The Institutes 535 CE part 55

5. It is customary to insert a particular place in a stipulatio, as, for instance, “Do you engage to give me at Carthage?” and this stipulatio, although it appears to be made simply, yet...

The Institutes 535 CE part 54

And it is immaterial whether the stipulatio is in Latin or in Greek, or in any other language, so that the parties understand it; nor is it necessary that the same language should be...

The Institutes 535 CE part 53

If, however, you take with you on a journey the thing lent you to make use of, and you lose it by the attack of enemies or robbers, or by shipwreck, you are undoubtedly...

The Institutes 535 CE part 52

XIV. Other Ways of Contracting an Obligatio.An obligatio may be contracted by the thing, as, for example, by giving a mutuum. This always consists of things which may be weighed, numbered, or measured, as...

The Institutes 535 CE part 51

And in the constitutio we have ourselves promulgated we have completely departed from the provisions of those former constitutiones, and have enacted that agnati shall take no part in the succession of the deceased,...

The Institutes 535 CE part 50

But persons adopted by an ascendant are excepted in our constitutio; for, as natural and civil rights both concur in their favor, we have thought proper to preserve to this adoption its effect under...