The Museum of Yalvac


    With such a wealth of history and historical remains, Yalvac naturally has a fine museum in which finds from excavations and other sources are on display. At the entrance to the museum you are greeted by examples of some of the fine reliefs that once graced Antiocheia`s monuments. Entering the museum, we are immediately enthralled by an unbroken sequence of works that begins from Prehistoric times.

    The aesthetic satisfaction that comes of viewing works in terracotta changes to the pleasurable experience of examining Roman sarcophagi. The deep gaze in the eyes of a statue of Aphrodite is reflected in the statues of Pan and Men. That golden chalice over there must surely have been a witness to the excitement of countless victory celebrations. Works of mother-of-pearl depicting Mary, Jesus, and angels are just a few of the rare and exquisite works on display at the Yalvac Museum, which also contains a section for ethnographic material as well.

    Camping and picnic grounds

    There are numerous excursion spots in and around Yalva^; where you will find incomparably wonderful opportunities to relax and enjoy nature. The Monumental Plane Tree (Platanus orientalis), is an ancient guardian of the area and has been a witness to who knows how many events. Seat yourself beneath its emerald-green leafy boughs and sip tea as you let the day`s tiredness melt away.

    The local inhabitants of all ages frequently come here to sit, enjoy themselves, and chat with one another. Over the centuries, this tree has been where many important decisions affecting the future of the town and its people were made; and from time to time it almost seems to shake its branches as if to signal its support. The people of Yalvac regard this tree as a sort of good-luck charm for the whole county.

    Hidirlik Tepesi is a hill where the finest hues of the color green are proudly displayed by the pine trees and where the local people traditionally hold their festivals. In places such as Hisarardi, Su Qktigi, Diizkir Orman Alam, Gemen Korusu and Gaziri Mevki history and nature embrace one another while the delicious and savory smell of fresh fish and meat being cooked wafts its way to you from tiny, charming restaurants. The spring water is pure and icy- cold and its flavor seems to be mingled with the scent of pine. The thanks we feel for Mother Nature fall unbidden from our lips.

    Extremely faithful to their traditions, the people of Yalvac are determined to sustain and nourish the rich cultural tradition that their forefathers have left them. One of the most productive of those traditions is leather-working, which is an important source of revenue not just for the county but for Turkey as well. Modern methods are employed where modern demands of taste and quality so dictate, but one thing that has not changed is the painstaking and age-old attention to detail and craftsmanship.

    Craft & Cultural Heritage

    The leather goods that the people of Yalvac create by the sweat of their brows and the delicate artistry of their taste are offered in great pride to markets in Turkey and around the world. Another age-old activity in the area is felt-making, another craft and cultural heritage for which efforts are being made to keep it alive. The number of full-time felt-makers is slowly declining, but those who practice the craft still produce carefully-made objects fashioned from felt made from the purest wool.

    Copper-working has been an industry that Yalvac; has never been without and it has undergone constant development. The skillful hands of craftsmen steeped in millennia-old traditions turn sheets of metal into jugs, samovars, vases, dishes, and other useful utensils.

    A riot of color and a symphony of wood, Yalvac`s distinctive and unique horse carts are an invariable element of the local decor and popular photographic subjects. Saddle and Harness making are also among the traditional handicrafts which still survive in the region.

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