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The Institutes 535 CE part 49

12. The same rules are observed in the possession of goods which the praetor gives contra tabulas to children who have been passed over, that is, who have neither been instituted heirs, nor properly...

The Institutes 535 CE part 48

9. Emancipated children by the civil law have no right to the inheritance of their father; being no longer under the power of their parent, they are not his sui heredes, nor are they...

The Institutes 535 CE part 47

6. A son, or a daughter, and a grandson or granddaughter by another son, are called equally to the inheritance; nor does the nearer in degree exclude the more remote; for it seems just...

The Institutes 535 CE part 46

We must also reckon among them those, who, though not born in lawful wedlock, nevertheless, according to the tenor of the imperial constitutiones, acquire the rights of sui heredes by being presented to the...

The Institutes 535 CE part 45

We have corrected this, making illegal what they endeavored to prevent by persuasion. For, in imitation of the old law respecting the familiae emptor, we refuse to permit the heir, who now represents the...

The Institutes 535 CE part 44

5. All the witnesses may seal the testament with the same seal; for, as Pomponius says, what if the engraving on all seven seals were the same? And a witness may use a seal...

The Institutes 535 CE part 43

An imperial constitutio, which we ourselves have recently published, extends to those who have received as a gift anything from our palace, or that of the empress, the provisions of the constitutio of Zeno...

The Institutes 535 CE part 42

The opinion of the ancients, who thought that there could be a theft of a piece of land or a place, is now abandoned, and there are imperial constitutiones which provide that no possessor...

The Institutes 535 CE part 41

1. Sometimes, however, although the thing be possessed with perfect good faith, yet use, however long, will never give the property; as, for instance, when the possession is of a free person, a thing...

The Institutes 535 CE part 40

4. If the usus of a flock or herd, as, for instance, of a flock of sheep, be given as a legacy, the person who has the usus cannot take the milk, the lambs,...

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